We equip Godly leaders to disciple others so they can call the Church to witness the preeminence of Jesus Christ in their communities.
Our vision is to raise, train, and equip members of the younger generation to defend the Bible and our historic Christian faith by knowing God through intergenerational discipleship as they move from being on the fringes of the church to leaders at its heart.
We believe the claims of Scripture are true because they are from God and correspond to reality, even though our understanding of them may be incomplete. The Bible contains completely true and authoritative propositions, but its truth cannot be limited to propositional statements. God's truth is expansive and its scope is sometimes beyond our comprehension, yet we live in a covenantal relationship with God wholly submitted to His reality.
We believe we learn about God and ourselves through intergenerational relationships anchored in Scripture, so we started Emet Ministries and the Veritas Institute to cultivate them. We've found the best way to learn about God and the truth of Scripture is by deep, impactful relationships with others. You can find us in coffee shops, at lunches, and in each other's homes as we pursue the knowledge of God together.
We believe the Bible teaches that the good news of Jesus Christ is about individual forgiveness and the renewal of all creation. We equip people to think about the reign of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life, including business, art, government, school, and the home. Christ is in everything and in Him all things hold together.
"The essence of Christian obedience is not do's and don'ts but personal allegiance to Jesus."
Tim Keller