Helping Disciples Become Disciplers

The Basics of Discipleship

We understand that doing discipleship can be difficult, especially if you have never done it before, which is why we have created the Doing Discipleship Cheat Sheet. Here, you'll find helpful tips for your discipleship relationships.
The First Meeting
The first meeting is an opportunity for you to set the tone for how your discipleship relationship will go. In this meeting you get the opportunity to get to know the disciple, hear their heart, and see what they need from you. Often times you may have to ask, "How can I help you be more like Christ?" Some common things to focus on when starting a discipleship relationship could be: Prayer, Biblical Knowledge, or Theological Knowledge. For more topics visit our Veritas Institute page. We created the Veritas Institute Online to be used as a discipleship tool. You can also check out our recommended page to see a list of books we find helpful for discipleship.
What Every Discipleship Relationship Needs


Discipleship is about two individuals sharing life together, so both parties must be willing to live life together.


Discipleship is more than just a meeting that happens "when it can." For true discipleship to be taking place there must be regularity of meeting and interaction. We encourage discipleship to take place at least once a month with lots of non-intentional interaction throughout the month.


You should have a plan for each meeting. If you don't you will end up mistaking activity for achievement.


In discipleship we offer acountability concerning the whole Christian life from personal holiness to devotion to Spiritual Disciplines.

Godly Intake

Your time doesn't always have to be focused on talking about the things of God, but it should be a common theme in discipleship.


Not every discipleship meeting a prayer meeting, but it should be a common theme in your discipleship relationships.

Goal Setting

Discipling someone means you get to help them grow as a man or woman into the person God is calling them to be. Goal setting is a key part of growth, which is why we created a plan to help set godly goals.

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© Emet Ministries 2024. Made with ♥ by Amenable.
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