Helping Disciples Become Disciplers

Veritas Institute

The Veritas Institute is a one year program that provides sound theological education, philosophical reasoning, and apologetic training anchored in the Scriptures and intergenerational relationships. During this time you will dissect the claims of the culture and learn how to build bridges to and lead your lost friends to the Faithful God of Truth. The Veritas Institute was created to provide a platform to help prepare men and women to be better disciplers by equipping them to effectively apply Scripture to all aspects of their life. Upon completion, you will be well-versed in theology, dissecting culture, and discipling others. Our hope is to provide you with the confidence you need to start discipling now.

Discipleship is for Everyone

A common misconception is that discipleship is reserved for “professional Christians” like pastors and church staff. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Discipleship is for everyone. The Veritas Institute exists to equip everyone to disciple. We want to provide competency and confidence to all for the sake of the church.


I had great trepidation applying for the Veritas Institute fearing I wasn’t intelligent enough or would be unable to complete the readings and assignments. The readings and assignments, while challenging, made me think deeper, improved my study habits, and allowed me to better articulate the hope that I have. What has aided me the most, however, is our discussion time in class. While we don’t always agree, it is as Proverbs says, “Iron sharpening iron,” and very humbling. I would encourage my fellow brothers and sisters who may be considering Veritas to just do it.

- Susan


"I have been equipped with skills and tools to study, understand, enjoy, grow, and disciple in the word of the Lord." - Tyler


Why the Veritas Institute?

The Institute is seeking to bridge the gap between lay people and those theologically trained. We recognized that not all are called to go to seminary, but all are called to grow. So, we have created the Institute as a middle ground for those seeking to grow in theology, apologetics, and evangelism. All of this is done with a push toward applying these ideas in and through discipleship.

Who is the Veritas Institute for?

The Institute is for anyone! We desire that churches would use the Institute as a resource to help develop leaders in their church to address the issues of the day by providing theological training for the sake of cultural engagement and discipleship within the local church.

Who can apply?

Any Christian who has graduated from high school is eligible to apply to the Veritas Institute.

How long is the Veritas Institute?

The Veritas Institute is a one-year commitment starting in August and ending in April. Throughout the two semesters, participants will attend 4 General Meetings a semester for discussions, workshops, and lectures. These semesters closely follow the academic calendar.

What if I can’t attend every General Meeting?

We understand that life happens, so if there is a reason that you have to miss a meeting, we ask that you reach out to our team and let us know that you will not be attending. We also encourage you to connect with a classmate to discuss what was missed.

Does the Veritas Institute cost anything?

The Veritas Institute costs $150. This covers your books and a course fee. After you register we will connect with you for the payment and for any questions you may have.

How much reading is there?

On average, our goal is to have 2-3 hours of reading a week. These readings range from systematic theologies to practical theology books. We know this can be daunting, but believe that a part of growing as a disciple is working through these texts.

Are there assignments?

Each week, you will be assigned a reading and a reflection. These reflections are designed to cultivate deeper thought about the readings and apply them to your life. Many of these assignments are devotional, while some reflections require further engagement.

How does the Veritas Institute aid discipleship?

First, by connecting theology, apologetics, and evangelism to discipleship. By providing a framework for how theology, apologetics, and evangelism connect to discipleship, we believe that participants will gain confidence in their ability to disciple others in their sphere of influence. Second, by connecting individuals with disciplers and disciples. It is an expectation that those participating in the first year of the Veritas Institute will be discipled by someone in their local church. In the second year, participants will also be expected to disciple someone. Third, participants will finish the Veritas Institute as Four-Fold Disciples, meaning they will be disciples of Christ, older saints, good sources, and the culture.The intellectual equipping, regular personal application, and accountability to spiritual disciplines allow us to have confidence that those leaving the Veritas Institute will not only be capable of discipling those in their churches and homes but more importantly, will want to disciple those in their churches and homes.

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Emet Ministries is a 501(c)3. Our ministry is only possible through the faithfulness of God and generosity of our donors.
© Emet Ministries 2025. Made with ♥ by Amenable.
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Learn more about the Veritas Institute, Discipleship, and the Culture on 8/7/24 at 6:30pm.

121 S Boehne Camp Road Evansville, IN